The Black Snob

Politics. Pop Culture. Pretentiousness.

The Obamas Get Face Time With Barbara

with 8 comments

When not trying to save the economy by holding daily press conferences, President-Elect Barack Obama spends his time enjoying his last few moments of freedom before he becomes ours, all ours. He also gives interviews. “60 Minutes” got their stab at rating’s gold, now it’s Barbara Wah-Wah’s turn. Both Obamas (him and hers) will be interviewed by Walters as part of an ABC News special airing Wednesday (tonight) night. Check your listings!

Written by blacksnob

November 26, 2008 at 3:30 pm

8 Responses

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  1. When I hear Barbara is going to interview a new president, I think back to poor Jimmy Carter being befuddled by her when he took office. Miss Walters asked her normal semi-embarrassing questions in the Carter interview and ended with: “Please, Mr. President, be good to us.” I was in high school at the time and still I cringed. I hope she remembers that Obama is a president and not Henry VIII.


    November 26, 2008 at 5:12 pm

  2. Hotdog! Sign me up, I want to be a millionaire too. Okay, and if you pull my other leg, it’ll play Jingle Bells.


    November 26, 2008 at 7:34 pm

  3. Gah! I can’t STAND Barbara Walters. When she’s on The View she asks these dumb ass questions as if she’s never met a black person. (Nevermind that she was with a black man for several years, but I digress) She treats all of her black guests like they’re scratch and sniff dolls. I swear, she bet’ not treat Michelle O that way!


    November 26, 2008 at 7:50 pm

  4. I know. Walters acts like she’s encountering a space alien when she meets a black person. Maybe she has to probe them before she takes them back to the mother ship.


    November 26, 2008 at 10:19 pm

  5. I love Mrs. O’s dress – one of my favorites. And in the couple clips I’ve seen so far, he sounds great and they both look so cute and romantic together. I’ve got a major girl crush on the Obamas and fear all my commentary for the foreseeable future will have the insightfulness of a 14 year old girl. LOL!

    Side note: I listened to the presser today and I think it’s going to be interesting for the Washington press now that the President is clearly smarter than them.


    November 27, 2008 at 4:18 am

  6. That’s okay, Dkan71. Maybe you got that Sybil thing going with the multiple personalities. When you’re trancing and making predictions, you’re Yoda. And when you’re gushing about Michelle’s shoes, you’re Hannah Montana. Anything’s possible.


    November 27, 2008 at 5:02 am

  7. love the dress too. will watch DESPITE Walters.


    November 27, 2008 at 6:28 am

  8. Sorry Tami – Barbara was trying to be slick when Barack let Michelle know she had lipstick on her teeth and she told them she wouldn’t edit it out. It wasn’t like it was a live interview! Now you know Oprah wouldn’t have treated Michelle like that.


    November 28, 2008 at 5:39 am

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